
    Speech Recognition Engine Server FH-YQ001

      1. the core translation hub of the AI voice warning system, managing the text translation of all devices;
      2. Support offline recognition of recording files;
      3. Support system user and permission control;
      4. Support docking with third-party platforms to
    • 介绍说明
    • 产品参数
    • 产品尺寸
    The core translation hub of the AI Speech Alert system, which manages the text translation of all devices;
    Support for offline recognition of recording files;
    Supporting system user and permission control;
    Support docking with third-party platforms to achieve interactive sharing of data;
    Support remote equipment upgrading, convenient maintenance;
    Product Name and Model:Speech Recognition Engine Server FH-YQ001
    System Version:centos6.7
    CPU:Xeon lntel Xeon main frequency 1.9-2.5GHz 6 cores (12 threads)
    Memory:DDR4 128G (4*32GB single)
    HDD Interface:SATA3.0/M.2
    Hard Drive Capacity:250GB SSD
    Network Interface:1 Gigabit Ethernet port
    VGA output interface: 1    
    HDMI Output Interface:1pc
    Power supply type: hot plug power supply
    Power supply power:150W

    免费试用 | 峰火为企业量身定制音视频融合解决方案


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