
    AI Voice Alert System Management Client FH-V30

      Support multiple hosts cascade, so that the amount of audio equipment access unlimited expansion
      Accurately control the working time of a single device, support full-time recording, timed recording, keyword recognition recording, noise alarm recording fo
    • 介绍说明
    • 产品参数
    • 产品尺寸
    • Support multiple hosts cascade, so that the amount of audio equipment access unlimited expansion
    • Accurately control the working time of a single device, support full-time recording, timed recording, keyword recognition recording, noise alarm recording four recording methods.
    • Realise 32 split screen audio display, each split screen is displayed in the way of sound wave, and the content of a single window can display the real-time decibel and translated text (translated text needs to be configured with engine server).
    • Support voice-activated alarm arming, when the audio of the front-end equipment is higher than the set value, the equipment will alarm automatically, and the management personnel can remind and warn the front-end personnel to keep quiet.
    • Support keyword alarm arming, when the audio of the front-end device triggers the preset keywords (e.g. fight, life-saving, etc.), the device automatically alarms, which can proactively prevent the occurrence of unexpected events. 
    • Provide standard SDK, which allows other platforms to call the real-time audio signals and alarms of all devices and other status functions.
    • Visual management interface, users can glance at the online and working status of all devices through the client interface.
    • Automatic equipment inspection: the system adopts the automatic inspection and fault reporting design for the equipment, real-time inspection of the system equipment operation, improve the maintenance efficiency and reduce the cost of equipment maintenance.
    • Operating system: Windows 7/Windows 10/Windows 2008
    • Support multiple hosts cascade, so that the amount of audio equipment access unlimited expansion
    • Accurately control the working time of a single device, support full-time recording, timed recording, keyword recognition recording, noise alarm recording four recording methods.
    • Realise 32 split screen audio display, each split screen is displayed in the way of sound wave, and the content of a single window can display the real-time decibel and translated text (translated text needs to be configured with engine server).
    • Support voice-activated alarm arming, when the audio of the front-end equipment is higher than the set value, the equipment will alarm automatically, and the management personnel can remind and warn the front-end personnel to keep quiet.
    • Support keyword alarm arming, when the audio of the front-end device triggers the preset keywords (e.g. fight, life-saving, etc.), the device automatically alarms, which can proactively prevent the occurrence of unexpected events. 
    • Provide standard SDK, which allows other platforms to call the real-time audio signals and alarms of all devices and other status functions.
    • Visual management interface, users can glance at the online and working status of all devices through the client interface.
    • Automatic equipment inspection: the system adopts the automatic inspection and fault reporting design for the equipment, real-time inspection of the system equipment operation, improve the maintenance efficiency and reduce the cost of equipment maintenance.
    • Operating system: Windows 7/Windows 10/Windows 2008

    免费试用 | 峰火为企业量身定制音视频融合解决方案


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