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    Visual intercom system solutions

    Audio Intelligence Integration System is referred to as AIO Integration System, AIO (AI: Audio Intelligence; "O" is taken from the traditional Chinese cultural connotation of "integration").

    AIO cross-border integration of IP digital broadcasting, visual intercom, video surveillance, alarm and help, remote control access control and many other functions.

    Users in a set of software can realize the unified operation of the system, greatly enhancing the practicality and convenience of the system.

    Peak Fire AIO convergence system can be based on LAN and WAN operation, cloud platform architecture, all terminals can realize platform registration without port mapping after the central server is set up.

    Adopting the management mode of "multi-level sub-control management and unified command", the system has a multi-level management mode of command center - sub-control center - extension center - terminal to meet the needs of administrative division; multi-center cluster management to avoid single-point failure.

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