
    Window Intercom Extension FH-106X

      Metal cavity structure design, does not produce body resonance, the sound is natural, transparent and bright.
      The sound is natural, transparent and bright, connected with the window intercom host, can support full-duplex intercom
    • 介绍说明
    • 产品参数
    • 产品尺寸
    1) Installation: mounted on the counter top or glass, with anti-puncture protection, sturdy and neat;
    2) full-duplex intercom: metal cavity structure design, does not produce body resonance, sound natural, transparent and bright, and window intercom host connection, can support full-duplex intercom;
    3) speakers: need to be built-in high-quality microphones, speakers, can identify the source of sound, eliminate echo, suppress environmental noise, restore the human voice;
    4) three-way intercom: with the window intercom host, monitoring center IP network intercom command console to establish three-way intercom;
    5) audio sampling, bit rate: 8kHz-44.1kHz, 16bit, 8kbps-320kbps
    6) Interface: 1 host interface
    7) Operating temperature, humidity: 0 ℃ ~ 50 ℃, ≤ 90% RH (no condensation)
    1) Installation: mounted on the counter top or glass, with anti-puncture protection, sturdy and neat;
    2) full-duplex intercom: metal cavity structure design, does not produce body resonance, sound natural, transparent and bright, and window intercom host connection, can support full-duplex intercom;
    3) speakers: need to be built-in high-quality microphones, speakers, can identify the source of sound, eliminate echo, suppress environmental noise, restore the human voice;
    4) three-way intercom: with the window intercom host, monitoring center IP network intercom command console to establish three-way intercom;
    5) audio sampling, bit rate: 8kHz-44.1kHz, 16bit, 8kbps-320kbps
    6) Interface: 1 host interface
    7) Operating temperature, humidity: 0 ℃ ~ 50 ℃, ≤ 90% RH (no condensation)

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