
    Directional Antenna Receiver Board AIMS-8300AT

      The UHF band 450-950MHz wireless system provides high gain reception, while the reception band has covered the entire UHF communication channel.
      Directional antenna design provides ideal long range and stable reception performance for UHF wireless confer
    • 介绍说明
    • 产品参数
    • 产品尺寸
    The UHF band 450-950MHz wireless system provides high gain reception, while the reception band has covered the entire UHF communication channel.
    Directional antenna design provides ideal long range and stable reception performance for UHF wireless conference microphone systems.
    Designed for applications that require long range reception and transmission, such as stadiums, concerts, theatres, auditoriums, large lecture halls and large performances.
    or in environments that can block signals and interfere with reception.
    In addition, the antenna can be easily and securely mounted; it can also be easily dismantled for portability.
    Technical Parameters
    Antenna input impedance:50Ω
    Antenna output impedance:50Ω
    Antenna Input Socket:TNC
    Antenna Output Socket:TNC
    Supply current:5V directly from the feed line
    Dimensions:35 x 65 x 75 (mm)

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