

    Industries Solution

    首页 > Prescription > Education Industry > Education Normalised Recording Solution

    What is a recording system, simply put, the recording system can be recorded on-site video, audio, electronic equipment, image signals (including computers, video booths, etc.) for the integration of synchronous recording, generating standardised streaming media files, used for external live broadcasting, storage, post-editing, on-demand. Viewers can log in to the recording system server through IE browser, remote client, etc. to watch the live video and audio and graphic information, but also on-demand video information later.

    On-demand: The on-demand list is automatically generated in the recording and broadcasting system. Authorised end-users can log in to the recording system to view the video files through the remote client or the recording host locally. In addition, the video can also be automatically uploaded to a designated server to expand the time and space limitations of video information dissemination.

    Live broadcast: The viewing end can use the remote client to log in to the host of the recording system through the network to watch the live broadcast screen in real time. The live signal can also be projected through the projection or plasma TV screen, ideal for multiple clubs or classrooms for synchronous learning and observation.

    Recording: Recording storage, support for single-stream recording, multi-stream recording and other modes. Multi-stream video is switched or superimposed to become a video screen, and the integrated video screen is displayed on the live viewing end.



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